Our latest crush has just entered their 10th year of existence and has teamed up with Unus Mundus to continue to bring their sound to the world.
Vaiwatt, a technicolor punk two-piece “from the future riding in on an 8G wave” melts bass-heavy grooves of punk-pop and grunge into a
Blade Runner –Love Missile Fantasy.
Unus Mundusの最新のドキドキは、ちょうど10周年を迎えたVaiwattと協力して、Vaiwattのサウンドを世界に届けることを続けます。
「8G以上波に乗る未来から」テクニカラーのパンクの2 ピースでいるVaiwattは、
パンク ポップとグランジの重低音のグルーヴをブレード・ランナーのラブ・ミサイル・ファンタジ溶岩ーに溶かします。
Vaiwatt has toured the US, Italy, Turkey, Russia and organized the Great East Japan Earthquake Fund-Raising (Donation) Event
to raise funds for victims of the 2011 earthquake, which essentially sealed the deal with UM that we wanted to be a part of
Vaiwatt’s 10th and all future birthday parties.
彼らは米国、イタリア、トルコ、ロシアをツアーし、東日本大震災の募金 (寄付) イベントを開催して、
彼らと一緒に働きたいという Unus Mundusの欲望を強めました。
2023 sees Unus Mundus sponsoring Vaiwatt on tour around Japan (at least one gig with Unus Mundus house band, Thirsty),
followed by a summer trot across the pond to the UK for a series of shows, and then back to Japan for trips to Nagoya (with Unus Mundus act Fever Moon).
2023年、Unus MundusがスポンサーとなりVaiwattは日本中をツアーし(Unus Mundusのハウスバンド、Thirstyと少なくとも1回ギグを行う)、
それから、 名古屋への旅(Unus Mundusのアーティスト、Fever Moonと)、そして既知の宇宙を越えて。
<<<See below for Vaiwatt’s ever-expanding 2023 schedule>>>
Short Bio of Vaiwatt
August 2013: Released Independent 1st Album “Czech Ringos”
2014 & 2015: “New Years World Rock festival” (Fuji TV)
August 2014 – 2017: Great East Japan Earthquake Fund-Raising (Donation) Event, Organized by Vaiwatt
October 2017: First nationwide release album “BEST”
June 2018: US Tour
July 2018: Live in Russia “White Nights of St. Petersburg 2018”
March – April 2019: Italy〜Russia Tour 2019 (Padova-Pescara-L’Aquila-SPB-Moscow)
August 2019: Live Album “It’s Alive”, released from Kafadan Kontak Records (Istanbul)
September 2021: 3rd Album “Seven Apples”
October 2021: Live in Istanbul “Monster Mash Halloween Party”
November 2021: Headlined Tokyo International Music Fes “EDO WAVE 2021”
September 2022: Italy Tour (Pescara-L’aquila-Gioia del Colle-Massafra-Napoli-Bologna-Como)
November 2022: Headlined Tokyo International Music Fes “EDO WAVE 2022”
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